SHUCH – Vandal-proof Light Fittings bearing up even against explosions!
It may happen that in practical experience vandal-proof light fittings must bear up against massive violent attacks and that after such an attack their function must still be okay and reliable i.e. the light must not go out neither during nor after the attack. Reliable illumination of the environment must go on.
An impressive test series of the SCHUCH LED vandal-proof light fittings of range 140 KL LED has proved that these luminaires will withstand explosions without failure i.e. they continue their operation.
For illuminating an audit system where regular shots are carried out the research centre of military engineering (Wehrtechnische Versuchsanstalt) has looked for a permanent and reliable solution. During these shots photographs are made with a high-speed camera. The light fittings applied for illuminating the blasting area must not withstand the blasting pressure just mechanically but also successfully operate and illuminate the scenery during and after the blast. All light fittings used so far for this purpose had failed.
The SCHUCH vandal resistant luminaires have excellently passed the tests and their subsequent operation has definitely been reliable. Now they will permanently light the blast adits. This is a further very impressive proof of the high quality of the SCHUCH luminaires.